Our Services
Complexity Sensemaking and Preparation for Collaboration
InCollaboration is continually sensemaking using a complexity lens to understand issues and opportunities for increased connectedness for systems change. We are continually networking to understand what is happening, what can happen, who is doing what and identifying gaps. We build relationships and bring together key stakeholders to support, design and catalyse new projects. We are especially focused on projects for community building, new economic ways forward and regenerating and sustainable environments.
Strategy and Project Development
We will work with you to review your goals, strategy and/or project ideas using a complexity and systems lens, recognising that issues are interrelated. We support you to recognise your and your team/organisation's strengths and opportunities to create the change you would like to see. We support you to identify stakeholders who you could engage to expand your vision and co-design projects.
Relationship Building and Network Development
We share our existing relationships and networks and if required engage new stakeholders, creating connections that will support you to achieve your goals at the same time as contributing to strengthening community, society and the environment. We can also provide coaching on relationship building and engagement practices.
Supporting Alignment for Resilient and Inclusive Communities, New Economy and Regenerative Environments.
We introduce you to ideas and/or connect you to others to support your work in a range of areas including community engagement, resilience, inclusion, commons, building local wealth, regenerative economies and ecologies.
Linking the Local and Big Picture
We keep abreast of issues at the big-picture level, while staying connected and supporting those working at the local level. We recognise how the big picture affects the local at the same time as recognising the power of the local to influence the big picture through collective responses. We explore with you ways to incorporate local and big picture in your strategy and project work.
Catalysing, Events and Capacity Building
We can increase your capacity to address issues you are struggling with and for innovation through engaging new stakeholders. We can support you to engage these stakeholders, or we can engage them on your behalf to catalyse new initiatives. We can assist you to curate events to raise awareness of issues you wish to tackle.